Friday, December 21, 2012

Cancer tips & how to avoid it?


 oral cancer                                                                                       cancer tips

With it and learn as much as possible about cancer you is important when you have been diagnosed. And is able to symptoms sometimes easier, you know, take a right and then integrated into your life.

Also unfortunately, they lead an active, healthy lifestyle cancer some people will contract for their genes. I might want to consider some kind of advice increase cancer risk in your DNA. Has been prepared it probably arrived at what is coming for help.

Don't be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. Pride prevented from requesting assistance can, however, when undergoing treatment to become weaker there. Your loved ones to such small household chores and shopping, house cleaning business. Just doing small tasks, and reduces the burden on you.

Speak for yourself when needed. Many people might call your ability to obsolete cancer you do still keep wondering that, I think about you "from you to catch can". How would answer these questions quickly and immediately should consider. Other treatment can help.

Open up to other people with cancer. Your friends and family can feel that. Is for those who many support groups seceded student cancer or cancer. In addition, message boards and online forums people talk openly is.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you can be training needs. Can hold for the treatment we need to pass it, so forced into your body as possible is important to keep it. Simply your block around a few times, great start can walk healthy lifestyle living.

If the cancer survivors cancer before you verify the information about the treatment. Back at times and unfortunately, revenge, so what type of maintenance chemotherapy and radiotherapy elapsed what surgical procedures on your records. This information with your doctor help you communicate better.

I can try to meditate and fight cancer when treated. Meditation is many people dealing with the treatment they receive cancer and they really can be very pleasant said fund. Can also suppress the symptoms of depression.

Is to avoid things the best way one can cause cancer to avoid cancer. 2 Cancer cause and tanning beds, the biggest crime of smoking. Given the chance is stay away from these two, even better free of cancer.

Known carcinogens cause cancer. Do not understand most of the carcinogens of wooden floor to see plays, and specify a shared location,. Wooden decking and built in 2005 before play set coating arsenic pesticides may contain. Increase your chances in the body that cause cancer, this paint will stick to the skin or clothes can be.

It is important to keep open communication with your doctor and your loved ones can be painful in the diagnosis of the cancer experience. How to stop self pity world not in hit is disease since there is. Please you support your loved ones and your doctor to keep you near.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brain tumors in Asia

The rate of affected brain tumor inAsia is very big different from Europe or America.
We're actually seeing that an abnormal development of the brain disease to take-but not the symptoms of the disease itself, ill, causing growth in the first place. It is disease "brain tumor" surgery only temporarily remove tumors not in high risk surgical teaching process problem easing tumor growth why all the reasons rather than address does not.

Growth of new tumor seen in cases very high when patients themselves after even the surgery-may grow faster than its predecessors, will be. Because of this problem is the whole "is recommended at 6-month intervals going to 4 depending on the MRI test routine situation brain tumor patients received surgical treatment. Propose a repeat surgery as quickly as possible a new tumor... but almost all surgery surgery risks brain then.. This type of brain tumor are as most seen in Asia.

Important to note that all kinds of "brain tumor" that patients "brain tumor" come - astrositoma - low level and high level, miningioma, shwanonma, lymphoma, pituitary adenoma, glioblastoma and cover are all grade I to IV.

We treat written by primal Banerjee Dr. to treat them "homeopathy for advanced" by a. This particular application procedures be created "brain tumor" type. Associated with surgical intervention of cerebral surgery does not involve the patient comes to us in our treatment to avoid surgery for short comings with any kind of.

It is also so we operating since 1918 and primal Banerjee Dr. in one or more ways can tolerate information is important to point out that started to take all patients everywhere, since the clinic is under in the late 1950s, had been eliminated in the past someone they knew so we find medical treatment similar to ours or more severe form of illness.

As you can see from the following list of examples is our diagnosis and treatment for patients of all ages and, almost very encouraging "brain tumor" of the whole. Realization of treatment strategy that aims to follow:

Take care of any type of pain patients may suffer.
Most pressing by address symptoms experienced immediate treatment for patients "brain tumor" provides. This can include.
He was to continue the normal life functions to allow the patient to provide independent living function in patients with Catatonia-prevent loss.
Vision and loss of the ability to eat
Ability to perform functions specific mental dementia and memory loss or some
In most cases, the list below, you see the acute symptoms of these patients to improve "brain tumor" matter of weeks. However, this depends on each individual case.
Gradually to improve the patient's condition to hold for several months when the cat or MRI examination after subsequent tumor size small to see. However, no clear is very clear and is better for the lack of control "brain tumor" is flagrant to the presenting symptoms vision loss, limb and muscle, scissors, etc., etc.
Already "brain tumor" that we found patients taking the tumor growth opportunities in re3duces medicine.Brain tumors in Asia are increasing day by day, the expert of brain tumor suggests to asian people to careful from a brain tumor.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Prevention of oral cancer

Prevention of oral cancer is the most important factor in our daily life.Here are many prevention mathode are shown below-

 1. Primary prevention: Primary prevention of cancer is the key element in all cancer control      programs. Oral cancer can be prevented largely by modifying risk factors.

The most useful prevention strategy is reduction of tobacco consumption (all forms) through a     comprehensive tobacco control program which will include awareness, education, legislation, community participation and tobacco cessation services.

    A healthy lifestyle which includes eating plenty of fruits and vegetable, avoidance of alcohol, avoidance of spices, betel nuts, preserved foods etc, can reduce the incidence of oral cancer.

    2. Early detection: Early detection of oral cancer is the key to successful management. Cancer in the oral cavity can be detected at an early stage or even in a pre-cancer stage through simple inspection and examination.
Oral cancer screening

Screening for oral cancer may be done during a routine check-up a dentist or doctor. Self examination is also possible. The exam will include looking for lesion, including areas of leukoplakia and eryrthroplakia. Leukoplakia and erythroplakia lesion on the mucous membrane may become cancerous. Higher-risk of the mouth that are checked for cancer include the following:

  •     Flor of the mouth.
  •     Front and sides of the tongue.
  •     Soft palate
we should not 100% prevent of oral cancer but we can primary prevent the oral cancer. <<learn more

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Risking factors for oral cancer

Risking factors for oral cancer is the most important factors in the oral cancer patient.So before affected from oral cancer everybody should know about oral cancer.
There are some factor are shown below-

    1. Tobacco: Tobacco is the single most important modifiable risk factor for cancer. Tobacco chewing is the most important risk factor for oral cavity. Spread of tobacco addiction promoted by commercial interest is responsible for 90% of oral cancer.

    2. Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with the cancer of the mouth and pharynx (excluding nasopharynx)

    3. Diet:    Various studies in the past two decades suggest the role of diet in human cancer. Unhealthy diet is responsible for 34% of overall cancers. Spices and preserve foods increase the risk of cancer of the oral cavity.

    4. Others:  Sun exposure increase risk of lower lip cancer.
        a. Sharp teeth
        b. Slaked lime
        c. Betel nut, etc..
so we should avoiding the factor affecting of oral cancer.<<learn more

Friday, November 30, 2012

General concept on oral cancer

Oral cancer is the part and parcel of our healthy life.Oral cancer might be occured in many we should know about oral cancer.
Oral cancers include cancer that occurs in the mouth (oral cavity) and have many parts that are given below-

  •     Lips
  •     Buccal cheeks
  •     Salivary glads
  •     Hard palate
  •     Soft palate and uvula
  •     Floor of mouth
  •     Upper and lower alveolus
  •     Tongue
  •     Tonsils
  •     Oropharynx


Globally, approximately 30,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each ear, and an estimated 7500 people died from oral cancer in 2007.According to GLOBOCAN 2008 Country Fact Sheet published by IARC,incidece of oral cancer in Bangladesh is 7.2% in male, 6.6% in female and 7.4% among both sexes.So everybody should prevent to oral cancer.<<learn more

Thursday, November 29, 2012

prevention strategy of stroke

Primary prevention-two complementary strategies can be used to prevent stroke in apparently healthy but at risk individuals. The population strategy aims to modify the risk factors of the whole population through diet and lifestyle advice like;

  •     Do not smokeconsume tobacco (smoking or smokeless)
  •     Take regular exercise (minimum of 20 minutes, three times a week)
  •     Maintain ideal body weight
  •     Eat a mixed diet rich I fresh fruits and vegetables
  •     Aim to get no more than 10% of energy intake from saturated fat.
  •     Moderate alcohol consumption
  •     Reduction of LDL cholesterol with stone therapy.
The targeted strategy aims to identify and treat high risk individuals, who usually have combination risk factors. There is strong observational evidence that moderate to high levels of physical activity reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Secondary prevention- patients who already have evidence of atheromatous vascular disease are at high risk of other vascular event offered a variety of measures that have shown to improve their outlook. The energetic correction of risk factors, particularly smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, is particularly important in this patient group beacuse the absolute risk of further vascular events is vary high.<<learn more

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Privention strategy of ischaemic heart disease

Primary prevention-two coTmplementary strategies can be usued to prevent ischaemic heart disease is apparently healthy but at risk individuals.

The poulation strategy aims to modify the risk factors of the whole population through diet and life style advice like;

  •     Do not smoke, or consume smokeles tobacco
  •     take regular exercise(minimum of 30 minutes, 5-7 days a week)
  •     maintain ideal body weight
  •     Eat a mixed diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables
  •     Aim to get no more than 10% of energy intake from saturated.

The targeted strategy aims to identify and treat high risk individuals, who usually have combination risk factors.There is strong obeservational evidence that miderate to high levels of physical activity reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Secondary preventiopn- patients who already have evidence od atheromatous vascular disease are at high risk of another vascular event offered a variety of measures that have shown to improve their outlook.The energetic correction of risk factors, particularly smoking,hypertension,hyperlipidaemia, is particularly important in this patient group because the absolute risk of further vasculaar events is very high.<<learn more

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Major clinical features of ischemic heart disease

Major clinical features of ischemic heart disease is the very important thing of every human all person should know the Major clinical features of ischemic heart disease..

The typical patient with angina is a man older than 50 years or a woman older than 60 years of age who complains of chest discomfort, usually described as heaviness, pressure, squeezing, smothering, or choking, and only rarely as frank pain.<<learn more.

When the patient is asked to localize the sensation, he or she will typically place their hands over the sternum, sometimes, with a clenched first, to indicate a squeezing, central, substernal discomfort. Angina is usually crescendo-decrescendo in nature, typically lasts 2-5 minutes, and can radiate to either shoulder and to both arms. It can also arise in or radiate to the back, intercapular region, the root of the neck, jaw, teeth, and epigastrium.

Although episodes of angina are typically caused by exertion (eg. exercise, hurrying, or sexual activity) or emotion (eg. Stress, anger, fright, or frustration) and are relieved by rest, they may also occur at rest and while the patient is recumbent. Nocturnal angina may be due to episodic tachycardia, diminished oxygenation as the respiratory pattern changes during sleep, or expansion of the intrathoracic blood volume that occurs with recumbancy. The threshold for the development of angina pictures may vary by time of day and emotional state. Many patients report a fixed threshold for angina, which occurs predictably at a certain level of activity, such as climbing two flights of stairs at a normal pace. In other patients, the threshold for angina may vary considerably within any given day or day two day.<<learn more

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Risking factors of ischaemic heart disease

There are many risk factors of ischaemic heart disease-

Age and sex : Age is the most powerful independent risk factor for atherosclerosis process. Pre-menopausal women have much lower rates of disease than age -and risk-matched males; the gender difference disappears rapidly after the menopause.>> learn more

Family history : It also runs in the family. This may be due to a combination of shared genetic, environmental and lifestyle (e.g.. Smoking, exercise and diet) factors. A 'positive' family history is present when clinical problems in first -degree relatives occur at a relatively young age, such as<50 years for men and <55years for women.So family factors is the important thing of ischaemic heart disease.

Smoking : Most important avoidable cause of atherosclerotic vascular disease; there is a strong, consistent and dose-linked relationship between cigarette smoking and ischemic heart disease.

Hypertension : The incidence of atherosclerosis increases as blood pressure rises and this excess risk is related to both systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as pulse pressure.

Diabetes mellitus : Is a potent risk factor for all forms of atherosclerosis and is often associated with diffuse disease that is difficult to treat. Insulin resistance is associated with obesity and physical inactivity.

Hemostatic factors : Platelet activation and high level of fibrinogen are associated an increased risk of coronary thrombosis.

Physical activity : Physical inactivity roughly doubles the risk of coronary heart disease.

Other dietary factors : Diet deficient in fresh fruit vegetables and polyunsaturated fatty acid are associated with an increased risk of vascular disease.So we should careful by risking factors of ischaemic heart disease.>>learn more

Prevention of carcinoma cervix

a.       Primary prevention : It involves identifying the causal factor and eliminating or preventing those from exerting their effects.

First of all identifying ‘high risk’ woman and men. It is indeed an uphill task to prevent these epidemiological factors. However cancer consciousness, propagandas, proper health education of the population , especially amongst the poor socioeconomic group could be important steps in prevention.

A healthy lifestyle. Which includes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoidance of alcohol and adequate physical activity is protected  for many cancers like carcinoma cervix.
Use of a condom during early intercourse , raising the age of marriage, and of first birth , limitation of family, maintenance of local hygiene and effective therapy of STDs may be positive steps in prevention. Vaccination against human papilloma virus for cervical cancer shows promising results.

b.      Secondary prevention :  It involves identifying and treating the disease earlier in most treatable stage. This is done by screening procedures . The strategy is however , not expected to lower the incidence of cancer cervix, but it can certainly minimize the cancer death through early detection.more details

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Risking factors of cervical cancer

  •  HPV infection: Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a group of viruses that infect the  cervix.     Chronic HPV infection causes most of the cervical cancer in women, especially person to person through sexual contact. Most adults have been infected with HPV at some time in their lives, but most infections clear up on their own. Some types of HPV can cause changes to cells in the cervix. If these changes are found early, cervical cancer can be prevented by removing or killing the changed cells before they can become cancer cells.

  •  Multiple sexual partner: Women who have many  partners have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Also, a woman who has had sex with a man who has had many sexual partners may be at higher risk developing cervical cancer. In both cases, the risk of developing cervical cancer is higher because these women have a higher risk of HPV infection.

  •  Early marriage : In Bangladesh, early age of marriage is one of the important risk factors of cervical cancer. It is more common in rural communities. However, the situation is improving.

  •  Multiple pregnancy : Studies suggest that giving birth to many children (5 or more) may increase the risk of cervical cancer among women with HPV infection.

  •  Poor genital hygiene : Lack of genital hygiene may increase risk of developing cervical cancer.

  •  Smoking : Among women who are infected with HPV, smoking cigarettes slightly increases the risk of cervical cancer.more details

Friday, November 23, 2012

General concept on carcinoma cervix

A cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina).  It is usually a slow-growing cancer.


Globally, cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women, and the seventh overall, with an estimated 529000 new cases in 2008. More than 85% of the global  burden occur in developing countries, Where it accounts for 13% of all female cancers. Cervical cancer remains the most common cancer in women only Eastern Africa, South-Central Asia and Melanesia. Cervical cancer is responsible for 274000 deaths in 2008, about 88% of which occur in developing countries: 53000 in Africa, 31400 in Latin America and the Caribbean, and 159800 in Asia.

According to the hospital-based cancer registry report 2005-2007, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among the female patients and third among both sexes, attended NICRH during 2005-07. One thousand seven hundred eighteen (1,718) cervical cancer patients attended NICRH out of a total number of 18829 (both sexes). Majority 612 (35.6%) was from 45-54 years age group. About 90% of cervical cancers were squamous cell carcinoma.more details