The poulation strategy aims to modify the risk factors of the whole population through diet and life style advice like;
- Do not smoke, or consume smokeles tobacco
- take regular exercise(minimum of 30 minutes, 5-7 days a week)
- maintain ideal body weight
- Eat a mixed diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables
- Aim to get no more than 10% of energy intake from saturated.
The targeted strategy aims to identify and treat high risk individuals, who usually have combination risk factors.There is strong obeservational evidence that miderate to high levels of physical activity reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
Secondary preventiopn- patients who already have evidence od atheromatous vascular disease are at high risk of another vascular event offered a variety of measures that have shown to improve their outlook.The energetic correction of risk factors, particularly smoking,hypertension,hyperlipidaemia, is particularly important in this patient group because the absolute risk of further vasculaar events is very high.<<learn more
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