Saturday, November 3, 2012

Prevention Strategy for Hypertension

 Prevention of hypertension though promotion of healthy life style is necessary during all phases of life. This is done by empowering various components in the community, professional organizations, NGOs, mass media, and private sectors to accelerate community empowerment in preventing and controlling of hypertension. The key to the control of the global epidemic of hypertension is primary prevention. Primary prevention can be achieved through two basic strategies,
      1. key recommendation for action in the area of diet
        i.  Achieve energy balance
   ii. Limit energy intake from saturated fat and Tran’s fat. Substitute with healthy fat
      iii. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables and legumes whole grain, and nuts
       iv.  Limit the intake of free sugar
       v.  Limit salt consumption from all sources and ensure that salt is iodizes.
    2.  Regular physical activity 5-7 days/week, minimum of 30minutes duration
    3.  Limit alcohol consumption, if at all you want to take it.
   4.  Avoid tobacco consumption to reduce complication of high blood pressure.
·      Education campaign for general people for dietary salt reduction.
·      Advocacy with the food industry to reduce salt in the processed food. More details 


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