Stroke is the third commonest cause of death in the developed
world. The age adjusted annual death rate is 116 per 100,000population in the
USA some 200 per 100,000 in the UK. Prevalence of stroke in Bangladesh is 1.7%
and constitutes 8.9%of hospital admission among those aged 30 and above. Stroke
is defined as a focal neurological by the rapid appearance of a focal deficit
of brain function most commonly by hemiplegia with or without signs of focal
higher cerebral dysfunction hemisendory loss, visual field defect or brain stem
- Stroke-To the general public, stroke means a weakness, either permanent or transient on one side, often with loss of speech. Onset is usually rad. Hemiplegia following middle cerebral artery embolism is the typical example.
- Completedstroke- means the deficit has become maximal, usually within 6 hours.
- Stroke-in–evolution-describes the progression during the first 24 hours.
- Minorstroke-patients recover without significant deficit, usually within a week.
- Transient ischemicattack (TIA) - This means a focal deficit, such as a weak limb, aphasia or loss of vision, lasting from a few seconds to 24 hours. There is a complete clinical recovery. The attack is usually sudden onset. TIAs have a tendency to recur, and to herald throboembolic stroke.More details
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